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Mission & Values

Mission Statement

Rogers’ Consulting and Management (RCM) mission is to improve the quality of life for seniors, adults, and families impacted by disabilities and special needs.

We accomplish this mission through advocacy, education, community partnerships, and an array of innovative, customized services, supports, and training so that individuals can reach their full potential throughout their lives.

RCM’s Independent Living Services program for seniors and adults with disabilities respects each person’s right of self-determination, choice, and control. We work to support the choices of men and women to pursue activities and work that they find meaningful, enriching, and interesting.

Vision Statement

  •  Clients and their family members will have control over their services and supports
  •  Clients and/or loved ones deserve tailor-made services
  •  Clients and/or loved ones deserve to receive innovative, customized services, supports, and training so that individuals can reach their full potential
  •  Clients and/or loved ones need access to opportunities & information in order to make choices and exercises their rights in their home/community
  •  Clients and/or loved ones deserve the right to an explanation of services, including the right to refuse treatment provided by Independent Living Services or any other service entity


Seniors and Individual with disabilities:

  •  Have the right to participate fully in all aspects of their life
  •  Have a right to participate in their individual plan of care
  •  Have the right to receive the highest quality of services and supports to meet their needs
  •  Have the right to control and make their own decisions so that they are heard with respect to their life choices
  •  Have the right to be treated with respect, dignity and as a valued member of society

RCM focuses on the 5 Cs when working with clients:

  •  Choices
  •  Control
  •  Customized
  •  Compassion
  •  Commitment

We believe that individuals should have choices and control over the services and supports they receive. RCM believes in providing customized services and supports with compassion and commitment.

We believe in supporting and utilizing the RICH (Respect, Information, Connection, and Hope) approach to ensure we meet and respect our clients’ wishes and needs.

Lastly, In line with RCM’s vision and mission, the agency has adopted a Zero Tolerance Policy for Consumer Abuse or Neglect.

Under, California WIC sections 15600-15675, known as the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act (adult reporting law) provides (among other things) that any person who has assumed responsibility for the care or custody of an adult consumer, including administrators, supervisors, and any licensed staff of a facility that provide care or services for adult consumers, is a mandated reporter.  Under the adult reporting law, any mandated reporter who experiences any of the following shall report the abuse to the applicable governmental authorities (subject to certain limited exceptions described in the adult reporting law). 

  1. Has observed or has knowledge of an incident that reasonably appears to be physical abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, abduction, isolation, financial abuse, or neglect of an adult consumer.
  2. Is told by an adult consumer that he or she has experienced adult abuse.
  3. Reasonably suspects the existence of adult abuse.

For additional information click here and to file an Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult report click here.

For more information about Rogers’ Consulting and Management (RCM), click here.  To learn about our services, click here or to read our latest blog post click here.  Thanks for visiting our website.

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